Install A Vehicle Lift
Install A Vehicle Lift
All methods of transport throughout history from the cart to the rickshaw, from the litter to the gurney, from the palanquin to the tumbrel, have all been created in the support of offering the ability for the masses to travel. However, all these modes of transportation have been unsupportive of the immobile. Those with mobility issues would only be able to travel by being manually lifted into the transport. Today, we no longer need manpower. The vehicle lift has arrived and is available through Western Stair Lifts for any and all with the need.
Vehicle lifts are the link to facilitate freedom of transportation for many. Persons suffering from paralysis, stroke, lost limbs, or even those who have balance issues, for example, have need of vehicle lifts.
A lift requires extra space, not only inside the vehicle, but also outside. For this reason laws have been enacted to provide van accessible parking spaces. There is also the weight issue and the need for extra support in the undercarriage, which is the reason vehicle lifts should only be installed by licensed experts.
Here at Western Stair Lifts we recognize the value of the human experience and seek to enhance life s possibilities by installing vehicle lifts to vans and recreational vehicles. We believe you should be able to see Yosemite, Old Faithful in Yellowstone, the rocky shore of Maine and the sandy beaches of the California coast. We also see the value of attending local classes and functions and traveling to the local grocery store or even taking the family to a park for a simple picnic. All these destinations have value and should be accessible to anyone.
Come see us today . We proudly advise, install and work with you and your insurance company to ensure that you have the ability to experience all this life has to offer.