How Safe Are Used Stairlifts?
How Safe Are Used Stairlifts?
Stairlifts are fast becoming a common convenience among aging adults who wish to maintain their mobility while accessing all levels of the home and overcoming obstacles such as porches, decks and staircases. Although companies like Western Stairlifts work hard to create durable, yet affordable products, many consumers are eagerly searching for secondhand options that they can secure at markedly lower prices. In these instances, it is vital to know whether or not used stairlifts are a safe and worthwhile investment.
The Benefits Of Used Stairlifts
Savvy consumers can often save between several hundred and several thousand dollars by opting to purchase these units secondhand. For those with nominal budgets, this is a great way to gain access to some of the big name brands and models that boast cutting edge features. If dealing with a reputable seller, it may even be possible to lock into service agreements or obtain solid repair or replacement guarantees that will remain viable for an extended period of time.
The Drawbacks Of Buying Used Stairlifts
Safety is the foremost concern when investing in these products. Unfortunately, there is often no way of knowing how a unit was used in the past, whether it has been properly serviced or the number of previous owners. There are other important considerations that buyers must make. For instance, dated models may be discontinued and this could make it difficult, if not impossible, to purchase parts for essential repairs. Those who invest in older designs also have a lesser opportunity to take advantage of the most recent upgrades in stairlift technologies such as swivel chairs that are motorized, safety belts and remote control functionality among other things.
Possible Safety Issues
Choosing the right stairlift for any location requires buyers to consider the angle of the stairs. When shopping for used options based on price alone, this is not something that many consumers take into account. For optimal safety, a seat has to be level on the rail. Although it is possible to make adjustments to used stairlifts when installing them in new homes, this can only be done within certain limitations. Thus, there is a far lesser opportunity to get a design that is needs-specific when searching through secondhand models only.
When it comes to the safety and functionality of used stairlifts, buyers rarely have a comprehensive idea of what they are getting into. As with all secondhand equipment, it is possible for consumers to stumble across high-quality machines that are in perfect working order, just as it is possible to invest a machine that has suffered a lot of wear and tear. Thus, although there are some fairly significant savings to be gained by purchasing a gently used stairlift, in many instances, the risks of doing so may exceed the benefits that are gained.